Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steve McCurry!

The world famous photographer Steve McCurry who took the iconic afghan girl photograph and has had his photos on the covers of multiple National Geographic issues, just probably the most famous documentary/journalistic or whatever type he is photographer ever was giving a talk at the Project Arts Centre in Temple Bar and he was excellent.
He took pictures of muslim women in cultures where he risked his life by doing so as well as in warzones, situations of severe poverty and even as the twin towers collapsed on 9/11 and yet he seems so matter of fact and nonchalant when he discusses his career.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Drawing.

Been doing as much of it as I can. All the best and most skilled artists did and do loads of life drawing. Its weird how yo have to do those short scribbly ones but they really do help you to free up your hand and not get sketchy and and overworked.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Computer Graphics for Beginners

I found this brief very uninspiring. i wanted to just do a cute illustration of a baby finger painting all over a computer screen but eventually I cam up with this, If its not obvious its supposed to show a digital paint by numbers on a computer screen of the 'Creation of Man' from the sistine chapel by Michelangelo. Not my best work but at least the painting looks pretty cool all pixelized.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I have a really bad reputation for quickly destroying things that I should be careful with by simply forgetting I had them and accidently losing or crushing them when out of sight and out of mind. But I had this theory that if I had a really clunky really nice expensive digital camera then I couldnt possibly break it cuz i couldnt forget i had it and i would respect its value. I LOVE this camera its a Canon EOS rebel Xs Digital slr thing with 10.10 megapixels. I only have a pretty basic knowledge of photography so Im really excited to learn all about ISOs and shutter speed and night time photography and f-stop and stuff.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Disgracing The Old Masters.

These are all work from last year about commercialization and materialism using iconic classical art and placing them into a modern advertising format. I was playing around with a claustrophobic overcrowded composition in most of them, trying to be over the top and gaudy in the style of the photographer, some are using real brand names and some are invented for the sake of the piece and I also was exploring the idea of subliminal advertising and also overt product placement so I put lots of other brandnames within an ad where they are relevant yet secondary and sort of out place. I know the idea of revisiting the old masters and using such cliche'd imagery as the 'Mona Lisa' and 'American Gothic' may just seem unoriginal and immature but I lack the cliche factor for its currency and immediacy.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back to Art

people kept noticing the 'tit' in 'thisiswutitis' so i decided to move everything from the to blog.
been doing lots of drawing and trying to get back into painting again. dont wanna get too reliant on computers just yet.

Editorial Illustration. Crazy English Professor Removed from Starbucks' Premises

English Professor ejected from Starbucks after refusal to comply with Starbucks system of order. read full article hererough work to be uploaded.

Visual Rhetoric

Poster for the imagined "re-release" of the novel Taking Lives
poster design for the "re-release" of the novel 'Taking Lives'
visual rhetoric: the use of imagery to suggest/imply an underlying meaning/message. Similar to that of a metaphor.

('The Bet' by: Anton Chekov) Narrative Illustration

Illustrations for the short story 'The Bet' by Anton Chekov
for full story click here
(rough work to be uploaded)

Trynna Be Meave Clancy

Meave Clancy taught us how to make pop-up pages like she does for Lisa Hannigans music videos.
Finished Piece
Observational Drawings Thomas Street
Observational Drawings Hugh Lane Gallery
Reference Photos


Final Illustration
Rough Draft

Trte' Ident Story Board

Final Draft
First Draft

'Times Up For Brian Cowan and His Woeful Band'

Final Draft
Idea Thumbnails
Charicature Sketches



'I Thought They'd Never Leave Me'

Final Draft
rough concept sketches
